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Griffiths - Introduction to Electrodynamics

This is basically just a web-friendly version of David Griffiths' Introduction to Electrodynamics, 4th Ed.. These are my class notes for the University of Washington's PHYS 543. This is mostly an exercise for myself in learning about Mkdocs, MathJax, and physics!

Click around in the sidebar to find a chapter to read, or follow the links at the bottom of the page to read in order! Don't forget to try out the interface on mobile, it's very slick ;)

Table of Contents


All content is written in Markdown and rendered to a static site using MkDocs. The theme for the site is Material for MkDocs. I use python-markdown-math to turn any LaTeX in my source into full-blown MathJax to be rendered in the browser (and in a mobile-friendly format!).