3.4: Multipole Expansion
3.4.1: Approximate Potentials at Large Distances
If you are very far away from a localized charge distribution, it "looks" like a point charge, and the potential is - to good approximation - , where is the total charge. We have often used this as a check on formulas for V. But what if is zero? You might reply that the potential is then approximately zero, and of course, you're right in a sense (indeed, the potential at large r is pretty small even if Q is not zero). But we're looking for something a bit more informative than that.
Example 3.10
A (physical) electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance d. Find the approximate potential at points far from the dipole
Solution Let be the distance from and be the distance from (Fig. 3.26).
Example 3.10 pertains to a very special charge configuration. I propose now to develop a systematic expansion for the potential of any localized charge distribution, in powers of . Figure 3.28 defines the relevant variables; the potential at r is given by
3.4.2: The Monopole and Dipole Terms
Ordinarily, the multipole expansion is dominated (at large r) by the monopole term: where is the total charge of the configuration. This is just what we expect for the approximate potential at large distances from the charge. For a point charge at the origin, is the exact potential, not merely a first approximation at large r; in this case, all the higher multipoles vanish. If the total charge is zero, the dominant term in the potential will be the dipole (unless, of course, it also vanishes): Since is the angle between and (Fig 2.38), and the dipole potential can be written more succinctly: This integral (which does not depend on ) is called the dipole moment of the distribution: and the dipole contribution to the potential simplifies to The dipole moment is determined by the geometry (size, shape, and density) of the charge distribution. translates in the usual way (Sect 2.1.4) for point, line, and surface charges. Thus, the dipole moment for a collection of point charges is For a physical dipole (equal and opposite charges ), where is the vector from the negative charge to the positive one (Fig. 3.29).
Dipole moments are vectors, and they add accordingly: if you have two dipoles and , the total dipole moment is . For instance, with four charges at the corners of a square, as shown in Fig. 3.30, the net dipole moment is zero. You can see this by combining the charges in pairs or by adding up the four contributions individually using . This is a quadrupole, as I indicated earlier, and its potential is dominated by the quadrupole term in the multipole expansion.
3.4.3: Origin of Coordinates in Multipole Expansions
I mentioned earlier that a point charge at the origin constitutes a "pure" monopole. If it is not at the origin, it's no longer a pure monopole. For instance, the charge in Fig. 3.32 has a dipole moment , and a corresponding dipole term in its potential. The monopole potential is not quite correct for this configuration; rather, the exact potential is . The multipole expansion is, remember, a series in inverse powers of r (the distance to the origin), and when we expand , we get all powers, not just the first.
So moving the origin (or, what amounts to the same thing, moving the charge) can radically alter a multipole expansion. The monopole moment does not change, since the total charge is obviously independent of the coordinate system. (In Fig. 3.32, the monopole term was unaffected when we moved q away from the origin - it's just that it was no longer the whole story: a dipole term - and for that matter all higher poles - appeared as well.) Ordinarily, the dipole moment does change when you shift the origin, but there is an important exception: If the total charge is zero, then the dipole moment is independent of the choice of origin. For suppose we displace the origin by an amount (Fig. 3.33). The new dipole moment is then
3.4.4: The Electric Field of a Dipole
So far we have only worked with potentials. Now I would like to calculate the electric field of a (perfect) dipole. If we choose coordinates so that is at the origin and points in the z direction (Fig. 3.36), then the potential at is :
To get the field, we take the negative gradient of : Thus, This formula makes explicit reference to a particular coordinate system (spherical) and assumes a particular orientation for (along z). It can be recast in a coordinate-free form, analogous to the potential in - See problem 3.36.
Notice that the dipole falls off as the inverse cube of r; the monopole field goes as the inverse square, of course. Quadrupole fields go like , octopole like , and so on. (This merely reflects how the respective potentials fall off - the gradient introduces another factor of ).
Figure 3.37(a) shows the field lines of a "pure" dipole . For comparison, I have also sketched the field lines for a "physical" dipole, in Fig 3.37(b). Notice how similar the two pictures become if you blot out the central region; up close, however, they are entirely different. Only for points does represent a valid approximation to the field of a physical dipole. As I mentioned earlier, this regime can be reached either by going to large or by squeezing the charges very close together.